1-1c6a1d In the absence of evidence, do not assume miracles

Being able to reason probabilistically means distancing from yourself, and can take you far enough:
2-1a1a4b Compounding is usually too slow to notice, making it easier to discount both how much progress and catastrophe are achievable
5-1b4b1 Life’s evolution’s superpower is its time horizon. 3.8 billion years of miniscule changes compounded.

1-2g2s7b1 The laws of physics provides the measure (provides a meaning to proportions and averages for infinite sets) for the multiverse
1-2g2s7b2 The laws of physics determine what’s rare-common, probable-improbable, finite-infinite

2-1a1a1b ‘Hanlon’s razor’ - We (they) are dumber and thus less ill-intent than we think we (they) are**
2-1a1a2 ‘Bias from incentives’ - Explicate your culture-incentive as much as possible
2-1b2c ‘Compounding’ - Permeate across the timeline

5-1b4b Compounding is usually too slow to notice. You have to be deliberate in how you think and what you see.
3-1c1d1 Journalists distort our reality by 10,000x
3-1c1d4 We are bombarded with ‘unlikely’ events on our social media feed
3-1c1c You must build your own media for yourself

5-1b1a8a When using probability, we need an explanation for why that probability applies, because knowledge is unpredictable
