Replace tools with data:
3-1d5 You can question the adequacy of the tools at hand insofar as it relates to some specific problems of yours. You don’t evaluate them ‘comparatively’ based on its ‘utility’ without explanations.
5-1b1a8 ‘Opportunity cost’ and ‘comparative advantage’ must be rooted in explanations. Never use them as ad hoc criteria.
1-1a5b4.4 Real-time calibration (i.e., recalibration) lets you adapt to the changing landscape
5-2b4 Explanation (explicit or inexplicit) precedes both your options and choices
2-1a5a Evolution doesn’t care about lifetime of each individual gene-meme carrier (its sample is beyond your own experience and any human lifetime)
2-1a6 ‘Incentives’ - Incentives drive (almost) everything. Understand your incentives.