2-1a6a Understanding incentives amounts to understanding its culture
3-1c Know what your problems are
9-4b3e1 Concise explanations accelerate. It helps others understand you better and faster at all scales.
3-1c2c Your mind has inexplicit and unconscious assumption not only with regard to what constitute as problems but also their relative importance
9-1b1a It almost never happens that two minds hold precisely the same idea
9-1b1 Ideas are never replicated fully because each individual has different problem-situation. Meme variation (and mutation) is inevitable.

2-1b2e1 Understanding comes from copying the information-knowledge as information-knowledge medium; not from copying the substrate
2-1b2f ‘Equivalence’ - Reality doesn’t care genealogy. Solving problems is what matters. How it’s done matters less.
2-1b2g ‘Margin of safety’ - Be redundant and resourceful

It’s an inversion of:
7-1a2 You can also make their problem as your problem by using growth as a guidance.

RUL3 - List ⇒ Rank ⇒ Iterate

    • “Do they know what you value most?” I hesitated. He looked me square in the eye. “Shane, do you know what you value most?” I stared at him blankly. He sighed. “The problem isn’t your team. It’s you. You don’t know what’s most important. Until you do, your team will never make decisions without you. It’s too risky for them to figure out the most important thing. Communicate that to your team, and they’ll be able to make decisions on their own.”
    • Remember: the goal isn’t to have someone tell you what to do; rather, it’s to learn how an expert thinks about the problem, which variables they consider relevant, and how those variables interact over time. If you ask them how they think about the problem, that’s when you start deepening your understanding.

On copy-pasting behaviors:
You can’t imitate your way to greatness because you can only copy the effect, not the cause
9-1b0 Knowledge (both explicit and inexplicit) is created individually. You don’t say “I took it from him.” You can’t blame “he took it from me.”
10-2g1f1 Natural selection can only operate on phenotypes (physical attributes) and not on genotypes (the knowledge bearing entity). The same (or similar) phenotypes doesn’t mean they share the same genotype.

It’s an equivalent of building a communication system, and it can be implemented on-chain with proper incentives.
8-2b2 The most efficient business is one with trust, or one completely without
No permission means no guessing on blockchains!
2-1b2e0 The less guessing layers the better
