2-1a2 See clearly - 解像度を高める
5-3a Knowledge via new explanations is inherently creative and its effects are positive-sum, because it begets new problems to be solved
2-1c2a Matt Ridley - ‘Self-sufficiency leads to economic downturns. Mutual interdependence is more robust.‘
2-1c3 ‘Win and help win’ always outcompete
5-3b Knowledge creates new frontiers (and new markets)
1-1a2d An innate capacity to learn ≠ Specific (‘parochial’) knowledge
9-2b3e3 There is no universal knowledge
Matt Ridley:
- “Prosperity is: the increase in the amount of goods or services you can earn with the same amount of work."
- "The cumulative accretion of knowledge by specialists that allows us each to consume more and more different things by each producing fewer and fewer is, I submit, the central story of humanity.”history
8-2b2b Key moment is when people (e.g., devs) don’t have to worry about the infrastructure (e.g., platform risks including high take rates)
6-3z A world without ownership is a world with less creativity and human flourishing