2-1a1a Biases when picking up maps (+ cognitive biases in general)
2-1a1a3 ‘Availability heuristic’ - We easily recall what is salient, important, frequent, and recent
2-1a1a2 ‘Bias from incentives’ - Explicate your culture-incentive as much as possible
3-1c1d0 We are overconsuming novelty (and “serendipity”) and under-consuming purpose. The first thing to look at each day should be your purpose and metrics to improve upon, not some random stories.
4-1a4b2b1 ‘One-of-those’ over one-off - Learn from history (not just from your ‘own’ experience)
9-4b2a1d1 歴史の中にひそむあらかじめスクリプトされたものを読みとることで時代の現在を生きる
2-1a0c ‘Denial’ - Accept the existence of Black Swans
1-2 We are fallible
3-1c1d7 You have to know where the content you consume stands in the spectrum of things (metadata)
App idea here:
Fundamental development focus newsletter around blockchains
Or just find some equivalent ([Delegate]!)develop