1-2b In the quest for truth, what matters is the explanation and not where it came from, because even if gods reveal something to you it’s just as fallible as ever (the quest for truth ≠ a quest for certainty-justification-necessity)
3-1c2g Often times what matters is not what’s used in the system, but what it does and can do
3-1d4a What matters is if your tools-frameworks are universal
9-2a1 It doesn’t matter where you came from (or where you are); what matters is what you can do and where you are going
9-2a1a キャラ (物語思考) ≠ キャリア (「自己分析」) — Don’t obsessed with where it came from, think about where it’s going)
4-1a5 Don’t get obsessed with the failure rate, because what matters is where it’s going and not where it came from (There is no ‘illegitimate’ conversation)

3-1c3c3a1 Don’t be so attached to anything because almost everything is contingent. Assume no self.
3-1c3c3a2 Time spent doesn’t mean much
3-1c3c3b Wealth = Measurement (work with a small group) + Leverage (develop new techniques and its value is multiplied by all the people who use it)
