3-1c3c2b Getting rid of your own misconceived notions alone can take you far enough
3-1c3c2a Any ideas have the potential to be MORE universal (if not universal), and constraints are to be removed sooner or later because knowledge is irreversible
5-1b4c4 Pay attention to your ‘taboos’ - If there is something you fear unconsciously, you have to face it
1-1c6a1a Pay attention to what can’t be said (e.g., taboos)
5-1b4c4b To truly have fun, you have to get rid of your own misconceptions
1-2f1a1 Scientists evaluate theories with excess reasonable doubt
6-2 The cost effectiveness of anything addictive decreases over time. When you engage with them, you will either waste your time or money, very likely both.
5-2c2b2 When you are long bullshit, you are short volatility and time
5-2c2a0 Avoiding bullshit takes you far enough. Maybe the extra bit comes from really knowing about yourself.
5-2c2a1 Progressive titles might be there to hide its unprogressive nature
5-2c2b The Lindy effect