4-1d0.1 The Pinocchio Effect - Liars use more words than truth tellers and use far more third-person pronouns
Avoid the anonymous “we” and “they,” because they mask personal responsibility
3-1 Start with problems and don’t start with generalizations
9-2b3c1 Everett on Joseph Campbell’s ‘Monomyth’ (innate content) - A tendency to think in generic terms of people and races is undoubtedly the profoundest flaw in mythological thinking. You could shape any myths into a monomyth if you so wished.
9-2b3d Everett on George Berkeley’s critique of the very notions of abstraction and generalization - There is no mind of any kind, only bodies and the world in which they move
2-1a1a6 ‘Tendency to overgeneralize from small samples’