7-1a6a Successful founders see different problems
7-1b4b You can let the tech decide what are the problems to be solved. Otherwise, it will decide by itself. It’s about possibility and not about should.

4-1a4b2b2 History repeats and reverses
9-4b2a1d1 歴史の中にひそむあらかじめスクリプトされたものを読みとることで時代の現在を生きる
4-1a4b2b1 ‘One-of-those’ over one-off - Learn from history (not just from your ‘own’ experience)

To some extent, it does matter where you came from:
9-2a1 It doesn’t matter where you came from (or where you are); what matters is what you can do and where you are going (1-1a2e4a 言い換え = Making sense in your own world, that is, in your own language and in your own web of ideas)
1-2b In the quest for truth, what matters is the explanation and not where it came from, because even if gods reveal something to you it’s just as fallible as ever (the quest for truth ≠ a quest for certainty-justification-necessity)

1-1a5b5 Shipping perfection means you are too late - you have to find a balance of finding the right moment and being fixabledevelop

9-4b2a1d3 Technologists and background technologies interact reflexively