10-2g1 Culture is an implicit theory for its members. It dictates what to look at and how they reason about the world.
7-1a4b Understanding the measurement-constraints amounts to understanding the system-incentives. That is, creating explanations.
10-1a1 歴史 = 編集 = 関係の発見
10-2g3a Everything is (or more precisely, became) symbol. Social values-knowledge-structures themselves are symbols represented by non-explicit forms (e.g., traditions and habits) interpreted non-explicitly (‘流れ込む情報’).

9-4b2a1d0 情報には文脈がある = 情報文化は区切りでできている (digit) = 情報における分節の重要性

1-2b In the quest for truth, what matters is the explanation and not where it came from, because even if gods reveal something to you it’s just as fallible as ever (the quest for truth ≠ a quest for certainty-justification-necessity)
9-2a1 It doesn’t matter where you came from (or where you are); what matters is what you can do and where you are going

2-1a2 See clearly - 解像度を高める

5-1b4b0 Evolution is trend
2-1a5a Evolution doesn’t care about lifetime of each individual gene-meme carrier (its sample is beyond your own experience and any human lifetime)
5-1b4b1 Life’s evolution’s superpower is its time horizon. 3.8 billion years of miniscule changes compounded.

1-2g2r0 The Turing principle implies 梵我一如

9-4b2a1e Be the outsider - 外部性・外来性を重視すること